treatment series
select a series of specific treatments to achieve powerful results tailored to your skin type.
members get an extra $100 of the special prices
hydrafacial™/ maximus ultimate renewal
turn back the clock! boost collagen, firm and brighten skin, improve tone and texture and restore plumpness and hydration. this 10-treatment package includes (2) 90-min hydra/restore facials and (8) 60-min signature hydrafacials with restorative therapy.
60-90 mins each session
fall/winter special $2,250 Member special $1,900 (reg. $3,400)
maximus radiance
with a science developed by Nasa combined with the innovative design and treatments of max+ created by master aesthetician and celebrity to the stars, Jennifer brodeur, and her engineer partner, Max+ takes led light therapy to the next level. as the crowned jewel of innovative led technology, the results range from boosting collagen, minimizing redness, diminishing acne, improving hyperpigmentation and more. 10-treatment package includes (2) 90-min anti-aging restorative facials and (8) additional 60-min signature treatments.
60-90 mins each session
fall/winter special $1,650 member special $1,450 (reg. $2.300)
red carpet deluxe series
indulge in a 12-treatment ultimate glow series to tone, lift, boost collagen and glow. package includes (2) 90-minute hydra/max facials, (4) 45-min face endermolift, (6) 60-min hydra/max treatments.
fall/winter special $2,750 member special $2,250 (reg. $3,500)
Hydrafacial or Max+ 6-pack
6 treatment package includes (6) 60 minute hydrafacial or max signature facials
hydrafacial fall/winter special $1,250 Member special $1,150 (reg. $1,540)
max fall/winter special $1050 member special $975 (reg. $1175)